Radiation Shielding Evaluations

Most radiology equipment requires specially designed and constructed exam rooms that shield people outside the room from scattered radiation. The type and amount of shielding materials depends on many factors and requires a thorough analysis of room layout, number of exams and type/power of equipment. Typical shielding materials include: Lead, Concrete, Gypsum Wallboard (Sheetrock), Brick and Solid Wood.

State laws require a qualified specialist to evaluate the shielding needs for each radiation producing unit installed. A few situations will not require a shielding evaluation, such as portable radiographic units that are used randomly throughout a hospital (no one area is repeated exposed). Even structural room modifications or equipment replacement usually require a new shielding evaluation.

RPC Can Evaluate Your Shielding Needs

Let RPC help determine the necessary shielding for your new equipment or modified exam room. We provide a concise and detailed report indicating the type/amount of required shielding materials for each wall, ceiling and floor. We even provide all necessary documentation for submitting the shielding report to state agencies for review. We will also communicate directly with state inspectors concerning any discrepancies or questions.

Plan Your Shielding Early

Most states require state inspectors to review and authorize shielding plans prior to beginning construction (which often requires 30 days for review). A few low dose units do not require state review, but still require a shielding evaluation (these may differ between states). We recommend starting the shielding evaluation process early in the planning stages. We have a list of specific information we require to complete your shielding plan. Please download this list to assure you send us all the necessary information and documents to expedite your shielding evaluation.

Frequently Asked Question for Shielding

The changes to state regulations over the years have raised many questions and confusions about shielding evaluations and requirements. If you are questioning your need to have a shielding evaluation performed, please visit the FAQ page to read more.

If you are questioning your need for shielding assistance, please contact us so we can help review your situation.